7 tips to help improve your gameplay in One piece card game

Whitebeard Strategy:

Suggests using two 6,000-attack characters instead of a 7,000 and a 5,000 when attacking, to force opponents to discard 2K cards and gain an advantage.

Not Leaving Don for Defensive Events:

Recommends using Don primarily for attacking early in the game, except for specific matchups or circumstances.

Counting Whitebeard's Hand:

Advises keeping track of the opponent's hand size and using that knowledge to determine when to go for lethal attacks.

Mulligan for Victory:

Encourages aggressively mulliganing for cards that give you the best chance to win, even if your initial hand is playable.

Starving Opponent of Resources:

In grindy mirror matches, you should focus on denying your opponent resources and cards to gain an advantage.

Sequencing Your Attacks:

Suggests the order in which you should attack with characters, depending on their cost and the potential triggers your opponent might have.

Aggressiveness Against Boss Monsters:

Recommends getting your opponent's life low to make them hesitant to play their powerful boss monster cards, putting them in a lose-lose situation.

The tips focus on strategic gameplay, maximizing card advantage, and making informed decisions during the game to gain a competitive edge.

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypQOwgtngx8

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